Laser therapeutic apparatus "Mustang-2000"


Laser therapeutic apparatus "Mustang-2000"For the procedure intravenous blood irradiation may use laser therapy device "Mustang- 2000" with the relevant heads for emitting VLOK .
Base unit ALT "Mustang- 2000" is dependent on the version 1 , 2 or 4 channels for emitting heads with the possibility of an independent system of radiation power for each channel. The devices have a uniform design and differ hull width , depending on the number of channels. Selection by pressing the transmitter on the control panel .
When you turn on the unit automatically determines the types connected to the base unit heads and consistently displays their name and channel number to which they are connected to the display.
The device has a built- photometer which can measure the radiation parameters of all types of heads in the spectral range from ultraviolet to a wavelength of 0.365 microns to infrared with a wavelength of 1.3 microns. When measuring radiation power unit automatically detects and displays the type of used head wavelength of the radiation power and value .

During the procedure the machine counts the exposure dose for each channel , and outputs it to the display value . This allows continuous monitoring of total dose effects without resorting to its calculation formulas or definitions on the tables provided in the literature.


Distinctive features ALT " Mustang 2000 +" :

- 1, 2 or 4 independent channels for emitting heads ;
- The ability to establish their own frequency radiation ( frequency modulation ), and the radiated power for each channel ;
- Selection of a wide variety of laser and LED emitters removable outrigger ( radiating heads) pulsed and continuous mode modulated in a range of wavelengths from 0.365 microns to 1.3 ( from ultraviolet to infrared );
- Existence of a universal display unit of radiation parameters : type radiating head , radiation power , wavelength , exposure dose ;
- The possibility of modulation of the radiation from external sources : sensor pulse and respiration (BIO - controlled modulation mode in accordance with the biorhythms of the patient ) , from sources of special music programs , etc.;
- Versatility and high efficiency of treatment , which allows virtually any selection method and exposure parameters used in laser treatment ;
- Compliance with standards ;
- High reliability;
- Modern design and ergonomics .

Apparatus "Mustang 2000" and " Mustang 2000 +" in its capabilities are unparalleled , unique features allow you to create devices based on them as universal "laser cabinets " realizing almost all modern techniques of laser therapy , and specialized centers, which focus on opportunities most effective treatment in a narrow range of a disease medicine . Ability to select the device with the number of channels 1 , 2, or 4, and its composition, with the possibility of its resupply additional transmitters and interchangeable nozzles ( depending on the destination) can be used in other areas of laser therapy.



Radiation heads for intravenous blood irradiation
(for  ALT  "Mustang- 2000" )


Излучающие головки для внутривенного облучения крови для  АЛТ «Мустанг 2000» и «Мулат»:  





Replacement laser emitters for ALT " Mustang 2000 "


Type Color Wavelength, mkm

Radiation power output

optical fiber , mW

VLOK Red 0,63 2
VLOK-М5 Red 0,63 5
VLOK-М10 Red 0,63 10
VLOK-М20 Red 0,63 20
VLOK-532 Green 0,532 1,5
VLOK-405 Purple / UV 0,405 1,5
VLOK-808 IR 0,808 1.5


 Replaceable LED emitters for ALT " Mustang 2000 "

Type Color Wavelength, mkm

Radiation power output

optical fiber , mW

VLOK-SD-530 Green 0,53 1,5
VLOK-SD-450 Blue 0,45 1,5
VLOK-SD-405 Purple / UV 0,405 1,5
VLOK-Sd-365 UV 0,365 1,5


More detail with all the capabilities of the device "Mustang- 2000" can be found on